KhG Codex
The only value we share - time.
Owners spend 5% or more of net profit on the charity. Anybody may propose the charity targets, and vote for any target.
Owners may not sell the company. However, owners may sell divisions and projects.
Owners pay 5% of the sum of the deal after taxes to people from the sold unit, proportionally to their salaries.
Everyone has to maximize the value, created by the company. Value = Benefits to Others X Quality X Efficiency.
Everyone suggests ideas of any size 1
Anyone may declare a time-out if they think things are going in the wrong direction 1
The person closest to a problem is the first responsible for figuring out how to solve it. 1
Everybody either implements every innovation from anyone or explains in written form, why they will not implement it.
Nobody fires people for cutting costs if there is any other choice. They may cut off profit, salaries, starting from top management, rearrange/reprofile people, if possible. But, repeating, they do not fire anyone if there is another choice.